Pond Management
Protecting and Preserving the Pond
Moody Pond reflects more than just the sky, forest, and mountain; it reflects us, too.
A body of water is tightly connected with its watershed, and for the last two centuries humans have become an increasingly influential component of Moody Pond’s watershed. Unfortunately, some of those influences are changing the pond in undesirable ways. Whether such changes persist, intensity, or reverse in future will depend upon how the people who live, work, and recreate here think and act. In that sense, Moody Pond truly is a mirror in which we can see the depths of our own nature.

Friends of Moody Pond has developed a Management Plan for the protection and preservation of Moody Pond. As we learn more about the Pond, its ecology, and the best practices for meeting our long-term goals we will continue to update this plan.
Love the pond? Us too!
Here's how you can help...

Meet your Moody Pond neighbors at monthly meetings

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