Invasive Species in Moody Pond
From the shoreline, there’s no sign of the Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) that threatens the entire ecosystem of Moody Pond; but if we look below the sparkling surface beneath the decaying dieback of the bottom, we’ll see its root crowns lying in wait. This aquatic invasive species depletes oxygen, blocks sunlight, kills off native aquatic plants and animals, and was discovered in Moody Pond in 2018. At that time, estimates from the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP) suggested that at least 3.5 acres, or 14% of the pond was infested with Eurasian watermilfoil.
A rapid response by the Friends of Moody Pond within the first year included educating pond users about invasive species control measures and surface collection to minimize fragmenting and spread. (The ‘short-term project’.) In 2021, hand-harvesting by aquatic invasive dive teams (AIDT) began. (The ‘mid-term project’) The AIDT is made up of trained, certified divers who utilize a variety of techniques to locate and hand-harvest aquatic invasive species, including surface spotting from paddle boards, line or grid search swims, and even a submersible diver-assisted scooter. During harvesting operations divers utilize a Hookah surface air compressor dive system for best efficiency in deep water, and mask and snorkel in shallow water.
This is the third-year divers have entered Moody Pond to begin pulling and bagging the unwanted milfoil in the spring, early in the seasonal growth process. The divers typically return again during the summer months, and in 2023 they will harvest a third time in early fall. It is anticipated that this approach will capture the plants in the growing season prior to them having the ability to grow, fragment and seed the next generation. Data collected by the Upper Saranac Foundation (USF) Aquatic Invasive Dive Team shows that progress is being made. In June 2021, the divers first entered the pond to begin hand-harvesting. In one week, the team removed 575 pounds of Eurasian watermilfoil. In June of 2022, 69 pounds (2,309 plants) of EWM was removed; and in June of 2023, 25 pounds (863 plants) was removed. According to the USFManagement Report (June 26-29), ‘this is a significant reduction in the number of plants and poundage from previous harvesting operations and strong indicators of successful management accomplishments.’
We are hopeful that this will be the year that Eurasian watermilfoil will be brought under control in Moody Pond, and with perseverance by the Friends of Moody Pond and continued community support over the next several years, it can even be eradicated from Moody Pond. (The ‘long-term’ project.)

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